Magnetic Particle Inspection Services (MPI)

For when safety and integrity are essential – accurate surface and subsurface defect detecting methods for ferromagnetic materials

Magnetic particle testing 1
Cracks found with MPI Testing on District Heating Pipework1 1

Test the integrity of your materials with Magnetic Particle Inspection even in remote locations.

The portability of our MPI Testing system allows us to reach into industries operating in remote parts of the world, and where equipment is functioning outdoors.

Where safety and durability are essential and maintenance is limited, Magnetic Particle Testing mitigates risk and allows for continued production.

Case Study for Magnetic Particle Inspection
Nottingham District Heating

Underground Hot Water Pipework servicing a wide area across Nottingham needed rerouting, after logistical changes to the Nottingham Bus Station. 

As this pipework usually operates at 80-90c, thorough weld testing using MPI Testing was needed to ensure the welds were fit for purpose.

Magnetic Particle Inspection on heating pipework

How Magnetic Particle Inspection is used


Ferromagnetic Materials

Ferromagnetic materials such as iron and steel can be accurately examined for fitness and flaws using MPI Testing.

Superior accuracy and immediate results assist in exposing a discontinuity which can be promptly resolved.


Widely used in industry

Used across major industries such as aerospace, petrochemical and automotive, Magnetic Particle Inspection is popular for inspection across a variety of components.

Production lines benefit from regular MPT to test the integrity of components.


Flexible flaw identification

Dependent on the use-case, a variety of electrical currents can be used to penetrate the material to varying depths. 

The choice of current is relative to whether a surface breaking or a subsurface defect is suspected.

A world class service at a realistic cost for High Performance and High Integrity industries.

We are committed to providing a high standard of inspection and unwavering focus on safety & quality across all our NDT methods including MPI Testing.

For when performance and precision is essential, our NDT work helps you remain compliant, properly insured and see that your business can continue to operative safely.