Dye Penetrant Testing Services

Providing a high standard of inspection, using state-of-the-art techniques to mitigate defects and fatigue in your equipment.

Arcellor Mital Slide Dye Penetrant Testing NDT Testing

We use Dye Penetrant Testing to detect surface breaking flaws and discontinuities.

Perfect for components and equipment that is a complex shape, has a large surface area or is high-volume.

With few material limits and high-sensitivity, a Dye Penetrant Test has excellent advantages on-site and in controlled environments.


Identify flaws in castings, welds and forgings

Heavy-duty and high integrity materials are easily inspected with Dye Penetrant Testing, providing the flaw is surface breaking.


Portable on-premises testing with no additional resources

Execute a Dye penetrant Test successfully,  at the location required, with no reliance on a source of power.


A clear, visual representation of the discontiniuity

A Dye Penetration Test will visually indicates flaws on the tested material, ensuring the problem can be resolved quickly.

Case Study for Dye Penetrant Testing

Dye Penetrant Testing was undertaken to analyse the integrity of welds on a prototype motorcycle frame.

This work was crucial prior to mass manufacture and resulted in identifying weld flaws which could be promptly resolved.

Dye Penetrant Testing Motorcycle Prototype NDT Side angle
Defect Detection using Dye Penetrant Testing NDT

Committed to NDT methods that help you continue to trade efficiently.

Our fast, effective and results-oriented NDT testing methods ensure you can resolve and mitigate any flaws in your equipment, materials or working components as quickly as possible.

Keeping you compliant, safe and well prepared for the future is  our highest priority when assisting your business.